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This Regulation establishes the procedure for pest risk analysis, application and cancellation of phytosanitary measures. Phytosanitary risk shall be intended introduction and spread of pests the probability and the degree of economic consequences associated therewith. Phytosanitary risk analysis shall be conducted by State Inspectorate for Plant Quarantine under the Cabinet of Ministers with a view of assessment of the harmfulness of organism, the necessity to regulate it, assessment of the effectiveness of phytosanitary measures and the necessity to introduce quarantine. The Inspectorate shall apply international requirements for phytosanitary risk analysis. Phytosanitary risk analysis shall be performed in three stages: (a) launch (initial stage) of risk analysis process; (b) phytosanitary risk assessment; and (c) phytosanitary risk management assessment. Decision on phytosanitary risk analysis by inspection shall be made in the following cases: (a) the presence of a potential risk of pest infiltration and when spreading routes are identified; and (b) in case of detection of a harmful organism that requires the application of phytosanitary measures. In case of import of commodities subject to quarantine inspection prohibition on import shall be imposed in the following cases: (a) absence of phytosanitary certification; (b) by the outcome of phytosanitary risk analysis; and (c) application of quarantine on the territory of one or more states in case of availability of information on the presence of foci of pests or diseases.
Decree No. 99 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on the procedure for pest risk analysis, application and cancellation of phytosanitary measures.
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