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This Environmental Order contains rules on the competent authority for environmental permits, on procedures, enforcement and implementation, and about the Digital System Environment Act (DSO). The Environmental Decree applies to all parties that are active in the physical living environment - citizens, companies and government. The Order, which also applies the exclusive economic zone, implements provisions of the Environment and Planning Act. The Order is about, among other things: indication of locations for purposes of tasks of public authorities, procedures for the approval of permits and various other administrative procedures, environmental impact reporting, enforcement and implementation, the Digital Information System (DSO). This system will show, through a digital map, which rules and regulations are regulated at a specific location. These are regulations that the municipality, the water board, the province and the national government apply at that location. An initiator can then check whether a permit or a notification is required for a certain activity. The Order concerns also, among other things, public waters, some matters regarding hunting, habitats and the protection of fauna, the composition of the CITES Scientific Authority, wastewater discharge, and environmental impact assessment. As to EIA, the Order Concerns the composition of the Commission EIA and details requirements and content of environmental impact assessment plans and environmental impact reporting for projects.
Consolidated version of STB No. 290 of 2018 as amended last by STB. 172 of 2022.
Environment and Planning Order in Council.
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