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This Regulation implements provisions of the Environment and Planning Act with respect to (geometric) indication of boundaries of locations, activities regulated by the government, decentralized activities, application requirements, preliminary consultation. measurement and calculation methods for decisions, monitoring and information obligations of public authorities and financial matters. The Regulation also applies to the exclusive economic zone. Chapter 2 is about geometrical indications of spatial planning zones and infrastructure including freshwater areas and waterworks for purposes of the Act and implementing Regulations. Chapters 4 is about management of the physical environment and regulation of various activities and contains some rules about hunting, and the protection of habitats. These Chapters also refer to CITES requirements. Chapter 7 is about the application for permits. As to the application for an environment and planning permit, the Regulation regulates in detail the application of a wastewater discharge permit. There are also requirements for the abstraction of (ground)water, and certain agricultural activities. Chapter 9 is about the granting of permits and requirements for activities that may harm the environment.
Consolidated version of 2020.
Environment and Planning Regulation.
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