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The tasks of family legislation are to strengthen the family, build family relationships based on feelings of mutual love, trust and mutual respect, cooperation, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, inadmissibility of arbitrary interference of anyone in the affairs of the family, ensuring unimpeded exercise by family members of their rights and their protection. The regulation of family relations is carried out on the basis of the principle of voluntariness of the marriage of a man and a woman, equality of personal and property rights of spouses, resolution of intra-family issues by mutual consent, priority of family education of children, taking care of their well-being and development, providing protection of rights and interests of minors and disabled family members. All citizens have equal rights in family relations. Any direct or indirect limitation of rights, establishment of direct or indirect benefits in getting married and interfering with family relationships depending on gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social status and other circumstances shall be prohibited. The rights of citizens in family relations can be limited only on the basis of law and only to the extent necessary in order to protect morality, honor, dignity, health, rights and legally protected interests of other family members and other citizens. Motherhood and fatherhood in the Republic of Uzbekistan are honored and respected. Protection of the interests of the mother and child is ensured by special measures of protection of labor and health of women, creating conditions that allow women to combine labor with motherhood, legal protection, material and moral support of motherhood and childhood. A family with four or more children under the age of eighteen is a large family. The state ensures the provision of benefits and social benefits to large families guarantees in accordance with the law. Spouses enjoy equal rights in the family and have equal responsibilities. Property acquired by spouses during marriage, as well as acquired before registration of marriage with the common funds of the future spouses, including movable and immovable property, is their common joint property, unless otherwise provided by law or marriage contract. During the life of their parents, children do not have the right to be the owners of their property. Parents also do not have the right to own property of minors.
Family Code.
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