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This Act defines a "supply crisis" and empowers the Federal Government to declare a supply crises when essential food requirements in substantial parts of the federal territory is seriously endangered. This Act as well as legal instruments, which are enacted on the basis of this Act are administered by the L nder as a matter of internal jurisdiction. The Act empowers the Federal government to take measures to secure food supply as specified in article 4. "Products" covered by this Act are those as defined in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, living animals, plants seeds, etc. The terms "processing" and "handling" of food as used in this Act, are those of the Foodstuff and Feedstuff Code. Supply (manufacture, processing, handling and placing on the market) of such products may be regulated in emergency situations. The Act also covers the secure supply of means for production, handling and placing on the market of products. Some measures are subject to the control of the Federal Ministry for the environment.
The Act is drafted in 5 Sections as follow: General provisions (1); Safeguarding regulations of basic services in a supply crisis (2); Measures to prepare for a supply crisis (3); Implementing of the law (4); Penal and fine provisions (5).
Consolidated version of the Food Security and Supply Act as last amended by the Act of 9 December 2020 (BGBI. I S.2863).
Food Security and Supply Act.
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