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The Forest Policy 2013 2023 guiding principles are to have a successful National Forest Policy: being linked to and harmonized with Vanuatu s other policies. Participation, as well as the responsible and committed contribution of all stakeholders, are pre-requisites for the sustainable management and use of Vanuatu s forest resources. Sustainable forest management encompasses the management of natural forests and planted forests. Sustainable forest management. Effective protection and management of the nation s conservation sites through full participation of landowners and communities. Forest-based rural development contributes to the well-being and livelihood. Efficient value-adding downstream processing of forest products contributes to economic growth. Knowledge and awareness of forest resources, ecosystems, biological diversity and the silviculture of the indigenous species. Implementation of National Forest Policy contributes to regional and international forest-related programmes. The implementation of the National Forest Policy facilitates the role of the forest sector in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Vision: Trees and forests of Vanuatu are sustainably managed contributing to development for the on going well-being of all people. Goal: The National forest resources provide wood and non-wood forest products as well as environmental and social services to contribute profitably to income generation, employment opportunities, and social well-being. Specific Objectives: Forests are sustainably managed. Deforested areas are rehabilitated and reforested Stakeholders and communities actively participate in sustainable forest management and utilization. The forestry sector contributes increasingly and equitably to the welfare and livelihoods of landowners, farmers, industry and communities. Forests with high biological, cultural, spiritual, and historical values are conserved and protected. The forestry sector incorporates climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges and GHG emission reduction through increasing reforestation. Forest industries are modernized and utilize appropriate technologies. The forestry sector is a primary source of income generation. In addition, the Policy aims at promoting farmer and community-based reforestation programmes for food security, non wood products, timber, fuel wood and charcoal production, as well as for conservation, watershed management and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Maintain and enhance food security through agro-forestry systems (DoF, DARD, regional organizations, Ind, NGOs). Identify, regulate and protect indigenous knowledge and rights relating to forests.
Forest Policy 2013 2023.
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