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The Policy is drafted in light of the Act on Improvement of Agricultural Structure and Coastal Protection 1998 (last amended in 2016) which requires for draft of annual frameworks to implement the Act's objectives that are (1) to ensuring an efficient agricultural and forestry sector geared to future requirements and to enhance its competitiveness in the common market and; (2) to proceed for sustainable performance of rural areas, through an environmentally friendly and resource-conserving agriculture and forestry. Implementation of the policies drafted further to the above Act are proceeding by the Planning Committee that is set up in accordance to Section 6(4) of the Act. The Policy further implements the EU Regulation No. 1305/2013 for funding and development of the rural areas.
The Policy is drafted in 9 Sections as described below: (1)Integrated Land Development that requires for taking actions for planning instruments for rural development, regional management, village development, infrastructural measures adapted to the rural character, participation in a state-legal aid or budget protection program, broadband supply in rural areas and service to micro-enterprises; (2) Promotion of Agricultural Enterprises, attached with 4 Appendixes that requires for investment measures in agricultural enterprises that are competitive and perform a sustainable, particularly environmentally friendly, animal-friendly, multifunctional and weather-related risk-preventing agriculture; (3) Improvement of the Marketing Structures that provides for establishment and operation of producer associations, cooperating with other enterprises engaged in processing and marketing of agricultural products, including organizations and institutions and investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products; (4) Market- and Site-adapted as well as Environmentally Compatible Land Management Including Contract Nature Conservation and Landscape Management that lays down provisions for promotion of cooperation in rural areas for market and site-adapted and environmentally compatible land management, promotion of organic farming and other particularly sustainable whole-farm practices, sustainable practices in arable farming, sustainable practices on permanent grassland, sustainable and animal-friendly husbandry practices and conservation of the diversity of genetic resources in agriculture (this Section has 4 Appendixes).
Section (5) on Forest provides for cooperation between different associations for forest management, stable funding support, studies and surveying for near-natural forestry and assessment of soil conservation. In Section (6) Farm Animal Health and Robustness (has one attachment) elaborate issues on breeding improvement of the health and robustness of agricultural livestock, and improvement of the data basis for breeding. Section (7) Water Management Measures lays down provisions for protection of rural areas from flood, funding and subsidy arrangements and requirements by taking into account the land beneficiary structure. Section (8) on Coastal Protection follow the objectives to increase the safety of the coasts, islands, and flowing surface waters, conduct new construction and reinforcement of flood protection works, allocation of fund to the relevant projects by participation of government; and Section (9) Disadvantaged Areas are defined as mountain areas and less-favoured areas due to significant natural constraints or other specific reasons; in less-favoured areas compensatory allowance and payments are considered for promoting the sustainable use of agricultural land.
Chapter III of the text refers to Financial resources and allocation of funds 2020 and relevant Appendixes, Chapter IV covers Actual Expenditure 2019.
Framework Plan of the Joint Task "Improvement of Agricultural Structure and Coastal Protection" 2020-2023.
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