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The Global Programme Food Security Programme (GPFS), Framework 2021 24 is a national programme for Switzerland for the period 2021-2024. The GPFS aims at enhancing the sustainability of food systems by seeking a circular economy for food, from production to consumption and and shares the FAO's vision aligned with the universal right to adequate food.
The GPFS major working modalities will be carried forward into the programme framework 2021 24. However, the GPFS engagement will put a stronger emphasis on supporting concrete policy implementation mechanisms, through financial contributions and technical guidance and in partnership with a wide variety of actors from both the public and private sector.
The GPFS' overall goal is to support the transformation towards sustainable and resilient food systems in line with agroecological principles to achieve food security and nutrition, realizing the right to adequate food for all, in particular for women and young smallholder farmers and disadvantaged urban consumers.
With the main goal to contribute to sustainable and resilient food systems and following the logic of circular economy, the programme will consider four thematic entry points or components: - agroecological production, - inclusive agricultural and food market systems and - improved diets for healthy nutrition. An overarching component of global governance encompasses the three themes.
The GPFS support to the dissemination and application of agroecological principles, will enhance the resilience of women and young smallholder farmers and their capacity for adaptation to climate change will be improved, because co-creation of knowledge delivers innovations that lead to sustainable food production and social equity. The GPFS interventions are meant to contribute to the following two outcomes: 1: Improving resource efficiency and resilience of agroecosystems, including recycling, food loss reduction, input reduction or substitution, enhancing soil health and ecological synergies and the sustainable use of natural resources as well as maintaining and sustainably using agrobiodiversity. 2: Co-creation and sharing of knowledge, including local and scientific innovation in the context of improving resource efficiency, increasing diversity and strengthening resilience. This will be addressed among other ways through youth- and gender-responsive rural advisory systems.
With the GPFS's support to the responsible and inclusive investments and market systems that integrate agroecological and nutrition principles, then women and young smallholder farmers and disadvantaged urban consumers will have access to diverse and nutritious food, because increased income and resilience allows for decent livelihoods and healthy food choices. The expected outcomes of this component are: 1: Inclusive and responsible agricultural investments are promoted, that enable effective and competitive agroecological rural-urban value chains and ensure that business actors develop and implement practices and standards related to international frameworks. Outcome 3.2: Resilience of women and young smallholder farmers are strengthened through safety nets and risk transfer mechanisms.
Through the facilitation of availability and affordability of safe and nutritious food for a healthy diet and the information of consumers, then food security and nutrition can improve for all, in particular for urban women, youth and disadvantaged consumers, because behaviours have changed through the promotion of healthy and affordable food. The GPFS will contribute then to the following three outcomes: 1: Policies, initiatives and innovation enable conducive framework conditions for healthy and sustainably produced food as the most accessible, affordable and desirable choice for all consumers and empower consumers to take informed decisions on their daily food consumption, in particular for women, youth, children and the most vulnerable groups. 2: Improved access to food that is sustainably produced, available, affordable and desirable for a healthy, safe and diversified diet and improved nutrition, in particular for women, children and the most vulnerable groups. 3: Enhanced consumer demand and desire for healthy and sustainably produced food choices through information and behaviour change.
Finally, through the support of a participatory and inclusive global policy processes, as well as the implementation of regulatory frameworks, the GPFS aims at a conducive normative environment that can enable food and nutrition security for women and young smallholder farmers and disadvantaged urban consumers, because the engagement of multi-stakeholder platforms will contribute to reach a consensus on the pathways towards sustainable and resilient food systems. The expected outcome are: 1: An inclusive and participatory process towards sustainable food systems. 2: Key multilateral partners effectively contribute to transform food systems.
Global Programme Food Security. Programme Framework 2021 24.
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