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The present Decree lays down further provisions on the implementation of the Food Act. It concerns activities that are associated with a low risk to food safety at primary production sites and food premises referred to in Sections 13 and 22 of the Food Act. The Decree specifies what products fall outside the scope of application of the Regulation (EC) No 852/2004, Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, and the Food Act regarding direct supply of primary products to consumers and local retail establishments.
The Decree also specifies the activities that fall outside the scope of application of the aforementioned legislation as regards meat products supplied directly to consumers or local retail establishments. It also sets rules for retail business operations considered marginal, local and limited.
Repealed by Government Decree No. 313 of 15 April 2021 as of 21 April 2021.
Government Decree on certain activities that are associated with a low risk to food safety (No. 1258 of 2011).
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