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This Governmental Decree establishes the main tasks of modern agricultural cluster in Bukhara province as follows: (a) introduction of advanced scientific achievements, modern and effective methods of growing raw cotton and other types of crops; (b) introduction of efficient and highly profitable methods of primary processing of raw cotton, as well as technologies of deep processing; (c) production, preparation and trade of cotton seeds and other agricultural crops in accordance with the requirements of state and international standards; (d) introduction of advanced agro-technical and water-saving technologies in the process of production of raw cotton and other agricultural commodities; (e) organization of deep processing of agricultural raw materials and production of competitive, export-oriented commodities by attracting direct investments, including foreign investments, as well as loans from international financial institutions; (f) large-scale introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the processes of accounting and control over the quality and quantity of produced cotton and other agricultural commodities; (g) performance jointly with scientific and educational institutions of research in the field of seed breeding and seed production, creation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, as well as primary processing technologies for raw cotton.
Governmental Decree No. 500 On measures for the creation of modern agricultural cluster in Bukhara province .
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