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This Governmental Decree validates the Regulation on the procedure for the performance of agrochemical soil analysis and Action Plan for the performance of agrochemical analysis of soil and development of agrochemical mapping on irrigated agricultural lands, introduction of the system of determination of residual quantities of pesticides, nitrates and heavy metals in agricultural products. Agrochemical soil analysis data shall be performed on agricultural land, including irrigated agricultural land, shall be used for the development of recommendations for scientifically substantiated fertilization system with a view of growing organic agricultural products and efficient use of irrigated agricultural land. Davergeodezcadastre shall be appointed authorized state institution for the performance of agrochemical soil analysis. Agrochemical soil analysis shall be conducted annually in accordance with the approved plan by certified staff. The results of the agrochemical analysis of soils in the districts shall be summarized at the regional and national levels. The Regulation contains scheme for the performance of agrochemical soil analysis and calculation formula for MRL assessment.
Governmental Decree No. 510 On measures for improvement of the system of agrochemical analysis of soil in agriculture and improvement of soil fertility of arable land.
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