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This Governmental Decree validates the following regulations: (a) Regulation on the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding according to the appendix No.1; (b) Regulation on the procedure for forming and use of means of veterinary service and fund of development of animal husbandry under the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding according to the appendix No. 2; (c) Regulation on the Uzbekchorvanasl Agency under the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding according to the appendix N 3; and (d) Regulation on the procedure for retraining and advanced training of specialists of veterinary service, assignment of qualification categories according to appendix No. 4. Regulation on the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding defines the status, main tasks, functions, rights, responsibility, organization and reporting of the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding. . The Committee shall be the only governing body implementing uniform state policy in the field of veterinary and livestock breeding. The Committee shall carry out its activities in cooperation with public and economic administration, law enforcement agencies, local authorities and other organizations. Decisions of the Committee adopted within its competence are binding for state and economic bodies, local executive authorities, other organizations, officials and citizens. The main tasks and functions of the Committee shall be as follows: (a) implementation of the unified state policy in the field of veterinary and livestock breeding, international cooperation and licensing of veterinary activities; (b) protection of the national territory against introduiction of infectious animal diseases; (c) manufacturing of new veterinary drugs based on scientific research findings; (d) monitoring the effectiveness of preventive work on timely detection, diagnosis and prevention of infectious animal diseases in ensuring epizootic welfare; (e) identification, registration and zoning of livestock; (f) enforcxement of livestock breeding legislation; (g) certification and standardization of products of animal origin; and (h) training of veterinary staff. Regulation on the procedure for forming and use of means of veterinary service and fund of development of animal husbandry under the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding defines the procedure for the formation thereof. The Fund shall not be assigned the status of a legal entity. The resources of the Fund shall be used for: (a) development of all branches of veterinary and animal husbandry, including cattle breeding, sheep breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding, horse breeding, poultry, fishery, bee-keeping and rabbit breeding; (b) financing of research works in the field of breeding and selection; (c) strengthening and developing the material and technical base and financial support of the central office of the Committee and its organizations; (d) advanced training and improvement of professional skills of veterinary staff; and (d) organization and holding of conferences, round tables and seminars in the field of veterinary. Regulation on the Uzbekchorvanasl Agency under the State Committee on Veterinary and Stockbreeding defines the status, main functions, functions, rights and responsibilities of the Uzbekchorvanasl Agency, its functional duties and responsibilities of its managers. The Agency is the state governing body for the development of livestock, poultry, fishery, beekeeping and other livestock and livestock breeding in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main tasks and functions of the Agency shall be as follows: (a) development of livestock sector, organization of artificial insemination, improvement of pedigree selection work, improvement of fodder supply; (b) conservation and development of pure gene pool in livestock; and (c) monitoring of animal feed growing. Regulation on the procedure for retraining and advanced training of specialists of veterinary service, assignment of qualification categories establishes the provisions for training, advanced training and assignment of qualifications to veterinary staff.
Governmental Decree No. 532 validating regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the State Committee of Veterinary and Stockbreeding.
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