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This Governmental Decree, with a view of renewal and modernization of the agricultural machinery park, provide farmers with high-quality and affordable machinery, provide them with timely after-sales service, as well as large-scale introduction of market mechanisms in financing the production of competitive agricultural machinery, validates the Regulation on the procedure for providing state support for the purchase of agricultural machinery on credit and leasing. It defines the procedure for the allocation of subsidies in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises and state support for their equipping with modern high-performance agricultural machinery. The amount of the subsidy must be specified in the terms of the contract concluded between the borrower and the leasing organization or commercial bank. The subsidy is allocated to a leasing organization or a commercial bank for partial compensation of interest payments if there is a warranty period of at least 1 year for agricultural equipment purchased under leasing and credit terms, as well as service centers for this equipment in the Republic of Uzbekistan. A subsidy to compensate the leasing or credit interest of the borrower is allocated in the amount of 10 percentage points of the rate established by a commercial bank or leasing organization.
Governmental Decree No. 578 On measures for further strengthening of the material and technical base of agricultural producers .
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