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This Governmental Decree establishes the procedure for reimbursement of feed crop producers costs related to drilling of irrigation vertical wells for introduction of drip and sprinkler irrigation technology on rainfed and pasture land plots. It shall not be applicable to the reimbursement of expenses related to the rehabilitation of irrigation wells, which have become defective or temporarily closed. A subsidy of 100,000 sums per meter of drilled irrigation vertical wells (hereinafter referred to as subsidies) will be provided to cover part of the costs of fodder crop producers for drilling and sprinkler irrigation technology. The costs of drilling irrigation vertical wells for the introduction of drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation technology are covered in accordance with the scheme in Annex 1. The list of producers of fodder crops receiving subsidies to cover the costs associated with drilling irrigation vertical wells shall be compiled by the regional working groups, which are formed in the sample structure in Annex 2. Producers of fodder crops shall submit the following documents to the working group for subsidies: (a) copy of the working project on construction (drilling) of irrigation vertical wells for implementation of drip and sprinkler irrigation technology; (b) copy of the contract with the contractor for the construction (drilling) of irrigation vertical wells for the introduction of drip and sprinkler irrigation technology; (c) copy of certificate of commissioning and acceptance of completed works on construction (drilling) of irrigation vertical wells for introduction of drip and sprinkler irrigation technology.
Governmental Decree No. 587 validating the Regulation on the procedure for reimbursement of feed crop producers costs related to drilling of irrigation vertical wells for introduction of drip and sprinkler irrigation technology on rainfed and pasture land plots.
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