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Concept for the reform of the national system of flood management, prevention and reduction of the consequences of floods is a nationwide policy document aimed at the establishment of fundamental principles and objectives regarding flood protection, as well as the harmonization of legal and institutional framework in the field of management, prevention and reduction of risks of floods. Floods are natural phenomena that cannot be avoided, but which can be prevented. The main technical solution associated with the development of measures to protect populated settlements and floodplain lands, is the construction of protective dams against floods and monitoring the condition of dams during their operation. Contrary to the provisions of the Scheme for the protection of settlements from flooding, data results leveling of protective dams and the availability of projects of automated warning systems the necessary work was not completed due to lack of funds.
The Concept is based on a number of national and international policy documents and aims to improve the institutional, organizational and functional base with the aim of providing flood protection and mitigation, while simultaneously pointing out ways for their implementation.
The goal of the Concept is to establish legal, institutional and information bases on the protection of the population and settlements of the Republic of Moldova from the negative effects of floods by managing, preventing and reducing the impact of floods, contributing to better health, dignified lifestyles and quality of life, as well as the economic development of the country.
The Concept is based on the following principles: (a) the principle of sustainable development provides for the implementation of actions in such a way that the consequences of floods are least noticeable from the economic, environmental and social points of view; (b) the principle of a strategic approach for a certain period of time in such a way that takes into account possible changes in frequency and vulnerability in case of floods; (c) the principle of the basin approach to the problem of floods by creating hydrological stations, by implementation of flood risk management plans at the hydrographic level of basin/sub-basin and some programs of activities; (d) the principle of a multidisciplinary approach to the problem of floods; (e) the principle of due diligence, according to which flood protection measures, undertaken by some owners of reservoirs, should not infringe on the situation of other owners of reservoirs located in the upper reaches or lowlands; (f) the principle of solidarity, according to which measures taken for zones located in upstream should not increase downstream risk; (g) the principle of maintaining a balance between preventive measures and actions, and to reduce the harmful effects of floods on the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem, pollution of water and soil, and contingency plans; (h) cooperation to reduce the risk of floods in accordance with the conditions of international regulations regarding transboundary rivers in accordance with geomorphology of the territories of Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova; and (i) simplicity and transparency, flood risk management helping to reduce the risk of loss of life and damage caused by floods, only by joint actions of central and local public administration authorities, local communities, as a result of understanding flood risk by involving population and media.
Important measures to protect the environment from the negative effects of floods are: (a) afforestation on degraded lands, creation of forest shelter belts, arrangement of hydrographic storm basins/ management of compensation for damage; (b) afforestation in flood formation zones, deliberate use of existing forests and reforestation of new areas in order to reduce maximum flows; (c) measures to restore biodiversity in rampart areas; and (d) measures to reduce or compensate for significant environmental impact. All the measures envisaged will contribute to the creation of a healthy living environment for population in compliance with environmental standards and regulations.
Governmental Decree No. HG590/2018 validating the Concept for the reform of the national system of flood management, prevention and reduction of the consequences of floods.
Republic of Moldova
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