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NABP II is designed to support three major development goals of Lao PDR: (i) achieving food security, (ii) reducing poverty, and (iii) enhancing government capacity to ensure the sustainable management and use of natural resources. The programme will act as a framework for a coordinated, multi-sector approach to better manage, utilize and conserve agro-biodiversity in order to support the three aforementioned goals. The objective of NABP II are: Improving conservation and utilization of the agro-bio-diversity, which will be measured through five indicators: national on-farm genetic diversity, ABD-related green value chains, increasing the export of agro-biodiversity products, increasing the use of endemic plant and animal genetic material in national breeding programs, and climate resilient crop/animal varieties bred. In 2014, with the assistance of FAO, MAF began a participatory process led by NAFRI incorporating in the new 10-year programme (2015-2025) the revision of NABP II. In line with the 8th SEDP, NABP II is designed to support three major development goals of Lao PDR: (i) achieving food security, (ii) reducing poverty, and (iii) enhancing government capacity to ensure the sustainable management and use of natural resources. The programme will act as a framework for a coordinated, multi-sector approach to better manage, utilize and conserve agro-biodiversity in order to support the three aforementioned goals.
The NABP II comprises three outcomes of four outputs each as described in the following. Corresponding indicators and activities are presented in the complete logical framework matrix in Annex 1 and Annex 2. Outcome 1: An enabling policy environment and legal framework for the sustainable use and conservation of agro-biodiversity. Outcome 2: Organizational and technical capacity for the management and conservation of all types of agro-biodiversity in government, the private sector and farmers is developed and strengthened. Outcome 3: Floral, faunal and fungal elements of agro-biodiversity in all ecosystems are effectively managed, utilized and conserved.
By its very nature, NABP II is a complex, multi-agency programme requiring careful coordination during implementation. Because of the cross-cutting and interdisciplinary nature of the interventions required, concerted action on agro-biodiversity presents a unique opportunity for improved interagency cooperation that would not be possible for commodity-specific interventions. The proposed NABP II organizational structure recognizes this and is designed to promote such cooperation wherever possible.
Lao PDR s rich agro-biodiversity is not only important for agriculture by helping to maintain ecological services for nutrient recycling, soil moisture retention, pest and disease control and pollination. It also helps to sustain wider ecosystem services for the supply of water, energy, minerals and raw materials and wildlife conservation on which the business, transport, energy and tourism sectors are dependent. Finally, agro-biodiversity plays a key role in socially important ecosystem services such as the provision of potable water, maintenance of water quality, waste removal, soil erosion control, reduction of rainfall runoff and flood-control. Thus, the protection and sustainable use of the agro-biodiversity and its supporting systems significantly increase the country s resilience to climate change.
Lao PDR National Agro-Biodiversity Programme and Action Plan II (NABP II 2015-2025).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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