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This Law provides for the principles, rules and measures relating to the administration, monitoring and inspection of the implementation of the protection of the rights and interests of multi-ethnic children, including measures against those committing offences towards children, in order to ensure that children are whole in body, mind and spirit.
Article 3 provides for the basic rights of the child incluiding: 1. To have a safe life and suitable physical and moral development; 2. To be cared for by parents, and not to be separated from parents unless it is necessary to protect the child s interests; 3. To have access to health care, medical treatment and rehabilitation of health when ill; 4. To obtain education so that they can have good attitudes, knowledge, abilities, talents, prossional training, labour skills and employment; etc. All children are equal in all aspects without discrimination of any kind in respect of gender, race, ethnicity, language, beliefs, religion, physical state and socio-economic status of their family (Art. 6).
Article 14-15 provide for the health care and nutrition for pregnant women and primary health care for children.
According to Article 69, juvenile courts have the right to consider the following cases: 1. Criminal cases committed by children; 2. Cases concerning child labour; 3. Civil cases relating to children; 4. Other cases relating to children.
Law on Child Protection, 2006 (No. 05/2006 NA).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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