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This Law provides a collection of the new enactment in the Schleswig-Holstein province with regard to water legislation, including ratification of the new Water Act, Waste Water Tax Act, amendment of the Water Tax Law, amendment on the State Water Association Act, amendment of the Municipal Tax Law, amendment of the Law on Protection of Nature, amendment of the Neighbour Rights Act, amendment of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, amendment of the State Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Act, and amendment for the state ordinance on the establishment of the State Office for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Protection. Article 12 of this Law provides for the list of the laws that are repealed by this new enactment including Water Act 2008 and Waste Water Tax Act 1990.
Law on the new enactment of the Water Act and the amendment of other water law regulations (Water Law Modernization Act).
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