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This Law, consisting of 54 sections divided into seven Parts, establishes the requirements to be met for Urban Plans. It determines principles, regulations and measures regarding the management, land use, construction and building of structures at national and local levels to ensure conformity with policies and laws. The Law aims at achieving urban development to meet the direction of the national socioeconomic development plan, ensuring that all social activities in the city maintain order, safety, discipline, hygiene, and civilization. In addition, it aims at preserving ancient places, and the architectural work of cultural structures, meanwhile protecting the environment and natural heritage. Work relating to urban plans refers to the arrangement and development of a city, together with the issuing of regulations and administrative measures relating to technical standards, the socio-economy and the preservation of the environment, in a manner that is harmonious, rational and consistent with socio-economic development. Urban plans consist of graphical drawings, feasibility reports and regulations relating to the management of cities. Urban planning shall be planned systematically, shall be conducted in collaboration and harmony among concerned stakeholders and be consistent with the level of socio-economic development at each area.
Law No. 03-99/NA on Urban Plans.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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