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This Law sets forth a system of controls on the organization, on the activities, on the transportation of goods, on the transportation of passengers, domestic, international, and on the transportation across the borders, aiming at promoting effective and safe travelling and goods distribution.
In road transportation, the transporter has commitments to maintain safety, orderliness, to protect the routes, the environment, nature and society. The vehicle employed in specific transportation to serve private enterprise or activity also must have a vehicle operation permit. To transport dangerous materials, it is imperative to obtain permission and it is imperative to strictly comply with the dangerous materials transportation regulations. In international and cross-border transportation the Government shall follow the agreements it has signed with foreign countries and shall allow transportation through its territory and give convenience, give needed assurances in compliance with international treaties and agreements it has entered into.
Law No. 03/1997 NA on Road Transportation.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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