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This Law on the Development and Protection of Women, consisting of 54 articles divided into eight Parts, is issued to guarantee and promote the roles of women, to define the fundamental contents of, and measures for developing and protecting, the legitimate rights and interests of women, and to define the responsibility of the State, society and family towards women with the following aims: promoting the knowledge, capability and revolutionary ethic of women, and gender equality; eliminating all forms of discrimination against women; and preventing and combating trafficking in women and children and domestic violence against women and children, in order to create conducive conditions for women to participate and to be a force in national defense and development. The women development is a component of human resources to ensure that women have good health, knowledge, capabilities, and revolutionary ethic. The development of women is necessary in order to enable women to participate actively in all aspects of politics, the economy, culture and society, environmental protection, national defense security, and foreign affairs. Equal rights for women and men means equality in self development, and also means that they have the same value and opportunities in politics, the economy, society and culture, family affairs, as provided in the Constitution and laws.
Law No. 08/NA on the Development and Protection of Women.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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