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This Law, consisting of 275 articles, divided into four Sections, aims at providing a framework for regulating water services and urban waste treatment, especially in terms of organisation, services provided, their costs and pricing, responsibilities of water management and Policy, establishment of a national water strategy, through the assignment of relevant supervisory and control powers to the renamed Waste, Energy and Waters Regulatory Authority. First Section concerns the renaming of the Authority, the extension of its powers and duties, the strengthening of water Policy. This Section defines and applies the following terms: water services provider; environmental costs; cost of alternative uses of water; environmental fee. The Section provides for: principles regarding water and urban waste management; responsibilities and operations of the Authority; consumer protection; international and European cooperation for the exchange of experience, good practices and information in the field of water services management; general provisions regarding water responsibilities; allocation of river basin management responsibilities to decentralised administrations; content and guidelines of water Policy and related management plans; obligations of water services provider.
Second Section concerns the incorporation of European Directives 2018/2001 and 2019/944 for improving legislation on the use and production of electricity from renewable sources. This Section defines and applies the following terms: geothermal energy; hydrothermal energy; biomass from agricultural and forest origin; biofuels; biological waste; starchy plants and related products used for biofuel production. The Section provides for: calculation of share of energy from renewable sources; information and training on renewable energy sources; financial incentives and support measures for renewable energy communities and cooperatives; self-consumption of energy from renewable sources; use of renewable energy sources in transport sector; special provisions for biofuels produced from crops; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for biofuels and biomass fuels of various origin.
Third Section contains provisions for renewable energy sources management and for environmental protection, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the energy market and the protection of the natural environment. Particularly, this Section concerns: construction of high efficiency electric power generation stations; promotion of electricity storage system facilities; measures for photovoltaic plants and wind farms; organisation of agencies and services operating in the energy market; compensation for biomass and biogas plants due to energy crisis; limitation on the electricity production using natural gas or petroleum products; quarrying and mining provisions; public surveys and investigation and financing of mineral research; exploration and exploitation rights; definition of relevant terms concerning environmental protection: ecosystem conservation, habitat protection, restoration of an ecosystem, primeval forest, old-growth forest; measures to restore terrestrial, coastal, freshwater and marine ecosystem, and wetlands; criminal and administrative sanctions for environmental violations; sanctions related to the production of single-use plastic products; measures for protection of wildlife; sanctions concerning forest fire fighting; sanctions concerning illegal logging and transport of forest products; violations concerning hunting; hunting rights; forestry protection measures; waste management provisions. Fourth Section concerns final and transitional provisions.
Law no. 5037 of 2023. Renaming the Energy Regulatory Authority to the Waste, Energy and Water Regulatory Authority and expanding its scope with responsibilities over water services and urban waste management, strengthening water policy - Modernisation of the legislation on the use and production of electricity from renewable sources through the incorporation of EU Directives 2018/2001 and 2019/944 - More specific provisions for renewable energy sources and environmental protection.
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