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The scope of this Law shall be to regulate relations in the field of seed growing. Depending on the stages of reproduction of the varieties, agricultural crops the following categories of seeds are classified: (a) original seeds; (b) elite seeds; and (c) reproduction seeds. Objects of seed growing shall include: (a) variety; (b) hybrid; (c) population; (d) seeds; and (e) planting material used for seed growing. Subjects of seed production include: (a) author of the variety; (b) seed producer; (c) seed seller; (d) consumer (user) of seeds; and (e) organization providing services to determine the genetic (variety) and sowing qualities of seeds. Seed production subjects have the right: (a) to take part in the implementation of state and other programs in the field of seed production and to use breeding achievements; (b) to take part in exhibitions and sales (auctions) of seeds; (c) to use innovative technologies in their activities and to introduce achievements of science with the application of resource-saving technologies for seed production. Seed production subjects are obliged to: (a) ensure periodic approbation of areas used for seed production; (b) comply with the requirements of technological schemes of seed production, the rules of their storage and implementation approved by the authorized body, as well as to ensure the qualitative and quantitative storage of seeds; (c) submit a certificate of conformity to the batch of seeds, as well as the characteristics of hybrid varieties of seeds to consumers (users); and (d) conduct approbation of areas used for seed production with authorized bodies. Seed producers and organizations providing services to determine the genetic (varietal) and sowing qualities of seeds shall be obliged to keep complete records of each batch of seeds by genetic (varietal) and sowing qualities. The main directions of the state policy in the field of seed production are as follows: (a) creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments, development of infrastructure and services; (b) development of scientific research and introduction of modern forms of activity; (c) preservation of indicators of genetic (varietal) quality for seed production; (d) creation of an effective system of seed multiplication and provision of consumers (users) of seeds with them; (e) stimulation of activity of seed production subjects and creation of necessary conditions for seed production; and (f) international cooperation in the field of seed growing. This Law contains IV Chapters divided into 39 articles. Chapter I lays down general provisions. Chapter II regards state regulation in the field of seed growing. Chapter III regards organization of activities in the field of seed growing. Chapter IV lays down final provisions.
Law No. ZRU-521 On seed growing .
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