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The scope of this Law shall be regulation of relations in the field of use and protection of pastures. Pastures are lands with natural vegetation cover, which is forage for livestock. Pastures are national treasure and are protected by the state. Pastures are classified as desert, semi-desert, foothill, mountainous and plain, provided and not provided with water. Mountain pastures are seasonal and used only for a certain period of time in a year.
The main directions of state policy in the field of use and protection of pastures shall be: (a) elaboration, validation and implementation of state and other programs; (b) establishment of rules and regulations aimed at conservation of pastures; (c) performance of state control; (d) ensuring rational management, protection, reproduction and restoration of pastures; (e) development of scientific research activities; and (f) international cooperation. This Law establishes plenary powers of state bodies in the field of management and protection of pastures. Local government, non-governmental entities and citizens shall participate in the implementation of state, territorial and other programs related to use and protection of pastures, contribute to arrangements on use and protection of pastures and exercise public control over use and protection of pastures. Users of pastures shall be granted the right to constitute associations of the users of pastures. Pastures can be granted to natural and legal persons in permanent possession, lease and temporary management by decision of local government.
Measures for management of pastures shall include: (a) list of the users of pastures; (b) list of livestock intended for grazing on pastures; (c) prophylaxis of animal diseases; (d) mapping of boundaries and areas of pastures; (e) calendar schedule of routes of transhumance, rotation scheme of pastures, cattle roads and shelters; (f) development of the infrastructure of pastures, including restoration of stock watering areas; and (g) improvement of the state and the quality of pastures, prevention of degradation of grass stand. Payment for the use of pastures shall be collected in the form of land tax or rental payments.
This Law consists of 5 Chapters divided into 31 Articles: Chapter I lays down general provisions; Chapter II regards regulation of management and protection of pastures; Chapter III regards use of pastures; Chapter IV regards protection, reproduction and restoration of pastures; and Chapter V lays down final provisions.
Law No. ZRU-538 On pastures .
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