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This Law amends certain provisions of the Law on sustainable use of pesticides (originally published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 14/2014, and already amended in the Gazette 115/2018).
Changes are regarding the added contents to the article 26 (part of Chapter X-Fees and costs), where in paragraph 1 a new items (numbered as item 5) has been added. The added text, in relation to fees and related procedures for their collection and payment, states that: Due to special circumstances or events or a certain situation that could not have been foreseen and which could not be affected, which endanger the life and health of citizens, property of greater value, significantly impairs the environment, disrupts economic activity or causes significant economic damage, it is possible for legal and natural persons, for the purpose of the implementation of training at request of persons liable for training, to administratively extend the validity of their cards for an additional six months, without attending additional training .
Law supplementing the Law on sustainable use of pesticides.
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