The Legislative Decree is organised in V Titles and 50 Articles. The Titles are as follows: I) Common rules for the development of the natural gas and electricity markets; II) Natural Gas Market; III) Electricity Market; IV) National Regulatory Authority; V) Final Provisions.
Under Title I, among common rules the Decree lists the security of supplies, sets the basis for the adoption of a new and efficient energy production system, establishes principles of coherency and transparency among infrastructures and the national energy system and sets an emergency intervention system.
Title II on natural gas, concerns rules on transmission, distribution, supply, and storage of natural gas, that give a particular attention to transparency and independency among the different stakeholders. The Title includes provisions as well on consumer protection, monitoring authority and measures to promote innovation in infrastructure, and facilitate natural gas import and market sale.
Title III concerns rules for the generation, transmission, distribution, and supply of electricity, consumer protection provisions, promotes regional collaboration, together with provisions that promote collaboration with non-European countries on common renewable energy projects.
Under Title I, among common rules the Decree lists the security of supplies, sets the basis for the adoption of a new and efficient energy production system, establishes principles of coherency and transparency among infrastructures and the national energy system and sets an emergency intervention system.
Title II on natural gas, concerns rules on transmission, distribution, supply, and storage of natural gas, that give a particular attention to transparency and independency among the different stakeholders. The Title includes provisions as well on consumer protection, monitoring authority and measures to promote innovation in infrastructure, and facilitate natural gas import and market sale.
Title III concerns rules for the generation, transmission, distribution, and supply of electricity, consumer protection provisions, promotes regional collaboration, together with provisions that promote collaboration with non-European countries on common renewable energy projects.
Legislative Decree No.93 of 2011 implementing Directives 2009/72/EC, 2009/73/EC and 2008/92/EC relating to common rules for the internal electricity market, natural gas and a Community procedure on final consumer price transparency, as well as the repeal of Directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC.
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