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This Ministerial Order establishes the Functional Structure of the General Directorate for Cooperation and Institutional Development (DGCDI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP). Its mission aims to ensure the general orientation and integrated coordination of all MAP services, namely those with responsibilities in the areas of Research and Statistics, Food Security, Agricultural Training, Agricultural Extension, Agro-Commerce and Private Sector Cooperation, Quarantine and Biosafety in accordance with the Government programme, MAP policies, programmes and higher guidelines.
This Ministerial Order repeals Ministerial Order No. 15/2016 of 3 February approving the Functional Structure of the MAP General Secretariat.Last amended and reprinted by Ministerial Order No. 34/2022 of 17 August.
Ministerial Order No. 7/2020 establishing the Functional Structure of the General Directorate for Cooperation and Institutional Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
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