These Enforcement Rules for the Veterinary Medicine Act establish standards for the structural equipment of medical facilities specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Article 4 of the Law are as follows: (1) Establish equipment necessary to prevent escape of domestic animals. Facilities for housing domestic animals suspected of having an infectious disease shall be equipped with facilities necessary to prevent infection of other domestic animals. Install disinfection equipment. The facility performance as follows: Ensure that lighting and ventilation are adequate and clean; Provide facilities for cold and dark storage; Provide equipment necessary for dispensing. The facilities where the operation is performed shall be covered with water-resistant materials and other structures that can animals kept clean. These Rules are divided as follows: Establishment of medical facilities (Articles 1-5); Medical radiation protection (Articles 6-20); Prefectural planning, etc. (Articles 21-23); Special ad restrictions (Article 24); Miscellaneous (Articles 25-28).
Last amendments up to Revised on March 13, 1991 (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 10).
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 44 on Veterinary Medical Law Enforcement Rules.
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