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This National Action Plan for Reducing the Use of Veterinary Antimicrobials (2021 2025) is formulated to effectively strengthen the comprehensive management of veterinary antimicrobials drugs, effectively curb animal origin antimicrobials resistance, rectify the excessive residue of veterinary drugs, comprehensively improve the green and healthy breeding level of livestock and poultry, promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry, and effectively maintain the production safety of animal husbandry, the safety of animal derived food, public health safety and biosafety.
Overall objective of the Action Plan is: By the end of 2025, more than 50% of the large-scale farms will implement antimicrobial resistance (AMR) reduction actions, establish and improve and strictly implement the management system for the safe use of veterinary drugs, and fully implement the veterinary prescription drug system, the veterinary drug withdrawal period system and the commitment system of "standardized use of veterinary drugs".
The action targets proposed in the Plan inlcude: Focusing on livestock and poultry varieties such as swines, laying hens, broilers, ducks, dairy cows, beef cattle and mutton sheep, steadily promote the action of reducing the use of veterinary antibiotics, effectively improve the ability and level of safe, standardized and scientific use of veterinary antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding, and ensure that the use of veterinary antibiotics per ton of animal products produced throughout the country will maintain a downward trend during the 14th Five Year Plan period, the qualified rate of veterinary drug residue supervision and sampling inspection of livestock and poultry products such as meat, eggs and milk will be stably maintained at more than 98%, and the trend of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of animal origin will be effectively curbed.
One of the key tasks proposed in the Plan is to strengthen the supervision of the production and business operation of veterinary antibiotics, the actions include: Strictly implement the code for quality management of veterinary drug production (revised in 2020), and prohibit veterinary drug production and business operation enterprises from manufacturing and selling growth promoting antibiotics feed additives; Strengthen the quality supervision and sampling inspection of veterinary antibiotics and strictly investigate the hidden addition of prohibited ingredients or other ingredients; Strictly implement the two-dimensional code traceability system of veterinary drugs to ensure that all veterinary drug products are coded and listed, and all product warehousing and outbound traceability data of veterinary drug production and operation enterprises are accurately uploaded to the national veterinary drug product traceability system; Strengthen the supervision of online sales platforms for veterinary drugs, and work with industry and information technology departments to crack down on illegal sales of fake and inferior veterinary drugs through the Internet. Other key tasks include: Strengthen the supervision of the use of veterinary antibiotics and the risk control of veterinary antibiotics; Implement veterinary drug residue monitoring of livestock and poultry products; Carry out monitoring AMR of animal origin; Support the application of veterinary antibiotics instead of products; Support the application of veterinary antimicrobial alternatives and promote the healthy development of veterinary traditional Chinese medicine industry; etc.
National Action Plan for Reducing the Use of Veterinary Antimicrobials (2021 2025).
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