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The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is a national strategy with a sectoral approach covering the period from 2011 to 2020. The main objective is to ensure that biodiversity is conserved and wisely used by all sectors, providing food security and contributing to poverty eradication and improved quality of life.
As mentioned, the strategy aims at protecting biodiversity and ensuring that it is exploited in a sustainable manner. The document sets out measures concerning the management of protected areas, reforestation, mangrove reforestation (which will be intensified to rehabilitate critical and damaged habitats and ecosystems and degraded watersheds). Community-based nurseries will be established especially for high-value timber trees. The status of biodiversity will be improved by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity in protected areas. To ensure the development of diverse and sustainable crops and sustainable agricultural practices, biodiversity will be integrated into agriculture. Agriculture programmes will include biodiversity issues and agro-biodiversity will be promoted. Special regard is given to plant genetic diversity. In-situ and ex-situ conservation pilot sites and facilities will be established to conserve specific endangered plant or animal species.
Poverty reduction is one of the overall objectives of the Strategy. The document promotes the participation of local communities in biodiversity conservation initiatives, especially women and youth. Sustainable livelihoods of local communities will be improved through ecosystem restoration activities. Traditional knowledge and practices will be promoted. Fishermen and fish farming communities will be supported by establishing specific financial institutions.
Biodiversity will be at the mainstream of sectoral plans and programmes and related services will be enhanced to ensure benefits for all. The strategy provides for the enhancement of capacity building, participation of the private sector in conservation activities. A national biodiversity monitoring and reporting system will be established.
Adaptation measures will be taken to ensure resilience to climate change. Large-scale use of irrigation will be fostered to protect agriculture from fluctuations in rainfall, whilst precautions will be taken to prevent loss of lives and property from floods and extreme storms. The aim is to build climate-resilient ecosystems.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Timor-Leste (2011-2020).
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