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The National Fish Aggregating Devices Management Plan lays down strategies for the management of the surface fishery for tuna using fish aggregating devices, including the terms and conditions for licensing, and the limits on the number of licensed Fish Aggregating Devices; minimum design standards for FADs, and the responsibility for the design, operation and maintenance of FADs of the companies deploying the FADs; application process for the deployment of FADs; location of FADs in the fishery waters of Papua New Guinea and reporting and marking of FADs; prohibited areas and marine protected areas; prohibition of setting and fishing on FADs in the Archipelagic Waters for foreign vessels; monitoring of wide spread use of FADs in the purse-seine fishery; monitoring the sizes of tuna; reporting requirements for FAD fishing, including the quantities and the average size of the main species of tuna in the catches, by-catch, and the incidental catch of small tuna; and the access to FAD areas. The use of anchored and Fish Aggregating Devices or Payaos in the purse-seine fishery for tunas in Papua New Guinea Declared Fishing Zone will be controlled and monitored in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing.
National Fish Aggregating Device Management Policy 2002.
Papua New Guinea
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