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This Plan lays down management measures on licensing and total allowable catch and the prohibitions for crab fisheries and aquaculture with an ecosystem approach. This Management Plan applies to the mud crab capture fishery, aquaculture of crabs and includes all fishing and activities associated with the collection, farming, fattening, processing, storage, buying, selling and exporting of mud crab both as live products, cooked products and processed crab products. The objectives of this Plan are (I) sustainable management of the mud crab fishery for the long term livelihood of the mud crab resource owners, (II) biodiversity conservation of mud crab populations, (III) sustainability of the economic benefit of the fishery for the benefit of resource owners and industry, and (IV) the active participation of resource owners, industry, other relevant groups and research institutions in the management of the mud crab fishery.
National Mud Crab Fishery Management Plan 2019.
Papua New Guinea
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