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The National Nutrition Policy is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The overall objectives of the National Nutrition Policy are to substantially reduce levels of malnutrition, especially of vulnerable groups, and to mainstream nutrition in National Socio-Economic Development Plans in line with the implementation of the National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy.
This Policy aims at accelerating the reduction of malnutrition among all people in the Lao PDR, and thereby decreasing associated morbidity and mortality risks. This Policy puts emphasis on the malnourished, the vulnerable, women of reproductive age, children and Non-Lao Tai ethnic groups living in remote rural areas. Nutrition interventions will be integrated into all relevant sectors with effective cooperation. International and national multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms will be established for planning, implementation, management and M&E of the nutrition program. In addition participatory monitoring and evaluation systems will be established and strengthened for nutrition surveillance. Access to and availability of food will be improved through sustainable production, harvest and consumption of nutritive plant and animal foods. The nutritional and health status will be improved by strengthening the nutritional capacity within all levels and sectors of the Government. A National Nutrition Strategy and National Plan of Action on Nutrition will be developed. The involvement of Lao Women s Union, Lao People s Revolutionary Youth Union, Lao Federation of Trade Unions and Lao Front for National Construction will be promoted to mobilize the dissemination of nutrition information to villages. Women and vulnerable groups will be empowered to play an active role in the decision-making processes related to nutrition interventions. Capacity building will be enhanced in nutrition and health through health care and education, particularly for mothers and children. Measures will be taken to prevent and reduce food and vector borne diseases. Nutrition will be integrated into the education system to increase nutrition awareness of school children. A National Natural Disaster Preparedness Plan will be developed to address immediate hunger relief interventions in emergency situations.
Nutrient intake will be improved with a focus on food quality control and food safety. Quality, hygiene, and safety of imported and exported food products will be monitored according to international standards in cooperation with Ministry of Health and other relevant institutions. Use of pesticides and other chemicals in agriculture and forestry sectors will be managed to promote safe food production. Private sector investments will be encouraged in nutrition sector in line with the recommendations of environmental and social impact assessments. Furthermore budget will be allocated and funds will be mobilized for the effective implementation of the National Nutrition Policy. Environmental health will be improved by taking protection measures to reduce environmental degradation and to mitigate its adverse impacts on nutrition. Research and information systems will be facilitated for the effective implementation of nutrition interventions.
A National Natural Disaster Preparedness Plan will be developed to take immediate steps to support food stability.
In order to implement the National Nutrition Policy effectively, the Ministry of Health is responsible for providing guidance and expanding the legislation in coordination with the other Ministries, concerned organizations, and local authorities at all levels.
National Nutrition Policy 2008.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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