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Timor-Leste makes the following declarations in relation to the aforementioned Convention: a) Timor-Leste affirms, for the purposes of delimiting the territorial sea, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone, the rights arising from the Timorese internal legislation, which historically integrate the eastern part from the Island of Timor, the enclave of Oe-Cusse Ambeno, the island of Ata ro and the islet of Jaco; b) The ratification of this Convention by Timor-Leste does not imply the automatic recognition of any maritime or land borders; c) Timor-Leste does not consider itself bound by the declarations made by other States, reserving its position in relation to each one of them for an opportune moment; d) Timor-Leste declares, for the purposes of article 287 of the Convention that in the absence of non-contentious means for the resolution of controversies resulting from the application of the present Convention, it will choose one of the following means for the resolution of disputes.
National Parliament Resolution No. 18/2012 ratifying for Accession, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Agreement Relating to the Application of Part XI of the same Convention, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 28 July 1994.
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