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This Plan shall apply to all highly migratory tuna and tuna-like species, and all other non-target, associated or dependent species taken in the course of fishing; fishing activities and methods; product development from tuna and other marine species; related activities; and areas covered for licensing and for management of flagged vessels. The main objectives of this Plan are: (I) sustainable use and management of tuna resources in Vanuatu waters; (II) long-term economic and social benefits to the people of Vanuatu through maximized harvest of tuna resources; (III) contribution to food security; and (IV) compliance with regional and international responsibilities under various tuna related treaties, conventions and agreements of which Vanuatu is a member or cooperating non-member. Benefits arising from tuna fisheries will be distributed equitably among the people of Vanuatu in rural and urban areas. A data and research system will be developed to gather the information necessary to monitor and manage Vanuatu tuna fishing and fisheries. Moreover, a national fisheries information system will be established to provide all necessary tools and procedures for managing all Vanuatu licensed and/or flagged vessels fishing for tuna. The cooperation between all relevant national institutions will be strengthened for the effective management of tuna fisheries, such as an active Fisheries Management Advisory Council which is established pursuant to Part 3 Section 9 of the Fisheries Act of 2014. In order to develop a sustainable local tuna fishing industry, the Government shall take measures, including financial support to fishermen associations; support to rural fisheries markets; implementation of policies and legislation to facilitate fish processing, value-adding and exports in compliance with best practices and quality standards acceptable to potential markets; financial support for domestic tuna fishery development; and construction of small-scale surface longline fishing vessel.
National Policy for the Management of Vanuatu Tuna Fisheries.
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