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This National Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction, promulgated by the Decree of the Prime Minister no. 510/PM of 26 July 2021, defines the vision and goals for 2030, seven key strategies and twelve objectives. Each of these objectives also sets out the priority focus areas for implementing the Strategy throughout 2021-2030. This Strategy illustrates the efforts, commitments and responsibilities of the Government and its cooperation with international organisations and development partners to implement disaster management and disaster risk reduction in the country and to integrate its legislation with regional and international policies, strategies and conventions progressively and effectively in the future. The Strategy defines the following relevant terms: natural and man-made disaster; disaster risk reduction; disaster management; disaster prevention; preparedness and response; risk assessment; disaster control; flood, storm and drought risk areas. The Strategy is structured as follows: 1) Introduction, including: Disaster risk situation in Lao; Role and significance of a national strategy on disaster risk reduction; scope of the strategy; development process of the national strategy. 2) Disaster risk reduction in the global, regional and national context. 3) National strategy for disaster risk reduction, including: vision; principles; overall goals; strategies. 4) Implementation measures, including: multi-sector coordination and cooperation mechanism; financial budget and resource mobilisation to support the implementation; cooperation with development partners; awareness raising and capacity building; review, reporting and evaluation. Annex: focus areas for government planning in 2021-2030, under the 12 objectives of the Strategy.
The vision of this Strategy aims at strengthening the country s capability to manage disasters, to reduce loss and damages to all sectors of the society and the environment, and to improve post-disaster recovery. Targeted strategies and related objectives include: integration of disaster risk reduction approach into sectoral plans; monitoring local implementation of the plans, with risk mapping and assessment and development of a risk data information system; increase resilience of the identified vulnerable groups and communities; enhancement of disaster management in irrigation infrastructures, watershed and water supply systems, school, hospital, government buildings; prevention of sexual and gender-based violences during disasters; continued improvement of early warning systems; increasing of technical capacity through investment in equipment, vehicles, communications technology and capacity building; improvement of availability of food by establishing food and emergency rice stocks; response coordination on pandemics, epidemics and health consequences of different disasters; strengthening coordination in case of accidents involving hydropower dam operations and water resources management; improving preparedness for and response to environmental crises, including pollution events, industrial accidents, and wildfires, agricultural pests, plant or animal disease outbreaks.
National Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction (NSDRR) 2021-2030.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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