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This Order, consisting of seven Chapters and four Annexes, establishes the legal regime for Action No. 7:11, called 'Non-productive investments", integrated in measure No. 7, called 'Agriculture and natural resources', in Area No. 3, 'Environment, efficient use of resources and climate' of the Continental Rural Development Programme (RDP 2020). It establishes requirements to be satisfied in order to benefit from incentives and investments to be granted for the above mentioned activities under Action No. 7:11, such as: Installation or recovery of riparian galleries (II); Eradication of invasive woody species (III); Recovery of stone walls (IV); Obligations (V); Procedures (VI) and Final provisions (VII).
Order No. 261/2015 establishing the legal regime for Action No. 7:11 integrated in measure No. 7, called 'Agriculture and natural resources' of the Continental Rural Development Programme (RDP 2020).
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