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The PNG E-agriculture Strategy is a national policy with a sectoral approach. The timeframe of the policy is 5 years between 2017 and 2023. This policy lays down strategies for the development of a PNG e-agriculture vision, an action plan for key ICT solutions for the sector and a monitoring and evaluation framework in order to transform the agriculture sector through innovation and communication technologies. This policy was developed in accordance with the framework proposed by the FAO-ITU E-agriculture Strategy Guide.
In order to enhance income generation and improve profitability, e-agriculture services will be established while fostering commercial e-agriculture services and solutions. Decision-making processes will be supported by improving processes and mechanisms using ICT solutions and services. The effectiveness of agricultural stakeholders will be enhanced by fostering mechanisms to deliver actionable information to them in a timely manner, based on reliable data. The skills and capacities of people involved in farming, livestock herding, forestry and other related work will be developed by using e-learning and networking tools to increase their productivity and profitability. The collaboration between the stakeholders in the agriculture and non-agriculture sectors will be strengthened, including governmental institutions, research institutes, cooperatives, commodity boards, and the private sector. Women's participation in the agriculture sector will be encouraged and their efficiency will be increased through ICT interventions.
This policy focuses on transformation of the agriculture sector by using innovative information and communication technologies to ensure agricultural and national development. Access to accurate information will be provided in the agriculture sector leveraging on smart sensing technologies and integration of required databases. In addition to that, key databases related to agriculture will be developed with a framework to share data between different systems and solutions. Policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks will be strengthened to build sustainable and scalable ICT application. The monitoring of agriculture sector and tracking and traceability framework will be strengthened to protect the natural resources and biodiversity. ICT solutions for the agriculture sector are listed in Table 9 to the policy; including electronic information systems in the fields of food safety and quality, crop production, pest and disease surveillance, biosecurity, farm mechanization, agri-business opportunities, early warning system, wildlife tracking and alert, and monitoring of extension and groups/cooperatives, as well as, e-agriculture services in the fields of certification for organic produce, food traceability, smart irrigation tools, actionable disaster alerts, and remote surveillance.
An E-Agriculture Steering Committee and task force will be established to be responsible for updating and monitoring the implementation of e-agriculture strategy in Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea E-agriculture Strategy.
Papua New Guinea
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