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The Fisheries Strategic Plan is a national policy with a cross-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the policy is 10 years between 2021 and 2030. The goals of this policy are to ensure the development the fisheries sector in an internationally competitive and sustainable manner, and to achieve resilient and commercially inclusive socio-economic growth and food security through the development of fishing industry. The key result areas of this policy are: (I) development and operationalization of infrastructure, (II) optimization of government revenue from the Vessel Day Scheme and the maximization of other revenue streams, (III) increase in the volume of downstream processing for all fish and fisheries products to increase export earnings, employment opportunities, and Value adding, (IV) expanded access to existing and new international markets, (V) attracting foreign direct investment in the fisheries sector, (VI) encouraging public participation and supporting locally-owned micro, small and medium enterprises, fishing cooperatives and associations, (VII) increasing food security and livelihood programmes in rural communities, (VIII) increased and effective applied research, extension services and capacity building, (IX) strengthening sustainable fisheries management and healthy ecosystems, (X) strengthened institutional capacity building and cooperation, and (XI) improved sector policies, administration, coordination and implementation.
This policy lays down strategic actions and priorities to ensure food security. Coastal and inland fisheries and aquaculture will be developed to increase production volume of fish and fish products. Furthermore, cold chain infrastructure and post-harvest facilities will be improved to prevent food loss. Distribution network will be developed for the trading of fish in the domestic markets.
Sustainable management of fisheries and marine resources will be ensured in the long-term through strengthened fisheries management systems and processes, protection of the marine environment and ecosystems, and stock assessments. Fisheries regulatory framework, including management plans, licensing regime and MCS framework, will be strengthened. In addition to that, monitoring capacity will be strengthened to collect, record and report on fisheries activities. Strategic partnerships will be established to promote sustainable, responsible management and optimum utilization of fisheries resources in all areas of common interests.
Research, extension support services, training and capacity building will be strengthened with a focus on current and emerging fisheries as well as the domestication of indigenous species with commercial potential for aquaculture, disease prevention, and better seafood quality. Public participation will be encouraged and fisheries cooperatives, credit facilities, registered community-based groups, and fisheries small- and medium-scale enterprises will be empowered. Domestic rights-based fisheries management will be facilitated to strengthen property rights of provincial-based fisheries and support commercial optimization through extension support services.
Fisheries infrastructure will be developed by establishing fisheries infrastructure development fund, implementing the Fisheries Infrastructure Development Plan and promoting the development of fisheries hubs and aquaculture nucleus infrastructure at economically feasible locations. Fisheries-focused Special Economic Zones will be designated, and supply chain constraints will be improved to encourage volume and production output, in order to increase the competitiveness of the fishing industry. Vessel Day Scheme will be used effectively to support continued growth in the processing sector and to optimize revenue generation. Fisheries management plans will be developed to promote fisheries that have commercial potential, and the fishing industry will be diversified to increase volume of fish and fishery exports. Market access opportunities will be improved to increase export of seafood which meets the health standards, food safety and traceability, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements. Potential biosecurity risks will be mitigated by promoting the use of endemic species for aquaculture and coastal fisheries development. Basic post-harvest infrastructure and facilities will be developed to maintain acceptable food safety standards. Policy and regulatory frameworks will be developed to attract foreign direct investments and to promote investor confidence and surety in the operating environment.
Papua New Guinea Fisheries Strategic Plan 2021 2030.
Papua New Guinea
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