The Papua New Guinea s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution aligns with the national strategies, plans and sectoral policies and adds new commitments on the first NDC submitted in 2016. The timeframe of this policy is 10 years between 2020 and 2030. This NDC lays down actions to both increase the country s resilience to climate change and to further mitigate emissions.
The NDC Implementation Plan outlines the mitigation actions/activities that will be undertaken to achieve the emission reduction targets in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) and energy sectors, and the priority measures for adaptation focusing on four priority development sectors of agriculture, health, transport, and infrastructure. In the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector, measures will be taken to reduce emissions arising from deforestation and forest degradation due to commercial agriculture expansion and commercial logging. The policy and regulatory framework for sustainable land use and development planning will be developed and implemented across concerned sectors. A national central information system will be developed to store all data relating to land use in Papua New Guinea. HCV and HCS methodology will be adopted for more sustainable, agricultural practices by agri-businesses. The value chain of climate friendly agriculture products will be enhanced, and a tracking system will be established for tracking production line from farmers level to manufacturers. PNG REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring Web-Portal will be updated. The application of timber legality standards and permitting processes will be enhanced, and the Deforestation and Degradation Alerts Monitoring System will be established at all relevant government institutions and agencies. Agro-forestry initiatives will be encouraged in line with the National Reforestation Strategy and the National Agriculture Development Plan and agro-forestry activities will be implemented at the community level throughout PNG. Monitoring and reporting on regeneration by conducting forest and land use change assessment prior to 2000 will be enhanced to enable more realistic calculations of the biomass gain of the forest degrade before 2020 and to determine long term historical forest and land use change trend. The National Forest Inventory will be completed to improve the country specific emission factor and to enable space borne forest carbon estimation and monitoring. Forest concession monitoring will be improved to allow more accurate emission estimation from the logging operation and to contribute timber legality verification system. Blue carbon ecosystems will be included in the GHG inventory and UNFCCC reporting. A National Renewable Energy Policy will be developed, and the legal and regulatory frameworks will be strengthened to enable the regulation of energy efficient appliances. The share of installed capacity of renewable energy will be increased in electricity generation. Renewable energy projects will be developed and implemented in the regions, and existing renewable energy projects in PNG for on-grid connections will be mapped out. The development of green transport will be enabled in PNG through the E-mobility Policy.
Sustainable agricultural practices for smallholder farmers will be applied in the Southern Region. Farmers' and agricultural small and medium enterprises' capacities will be enhanced to implement climate resilient agriculture practices. Commercial and diversification planning will be promoted in the agriculture businesses. Farmers, especially women farmers, will be encouraged to conduct agriculture business. Health measures will be introduced to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. The transport infrastructure and assets will be built and rehabilitated according to climate resilient codes and standards, and multi-hazard early warning information will be improved to respond to climate extremes.
The Climate Change and Development Authority as the mandated authority responsible for coordination of climate change initiatives of the Government, and acting as the focal point to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, will collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure fulfillment of the implementation plan.
The NDC Implementation Plan outlines the mitigation actions/activities that will be undertaken to achieve the emission reduction targets in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) and energy sectors, and the priority measures for adaptation focusing on four priority development sectors of agriculture, health, transport, and infrastructure. In the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector, measures will be taken to reduce emissions arising from deforestation and forest degradation due to commercial agriculture expansion and commercial logging. The policy and regulatory framework for sustainable land use and development planning will be developed and implemented across concerned sectors. A national central information system will be developed to store all data relating to land use in Papua New Guinea. HCV and HCS methodology will be adopted for more sustainable, agricultural practices by agri-businesses. The value chain of climate friendly agriculture products will be enhanced, and a tracking system will be established for tracking production line from farmers level to manufacturers. PNG REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring Web-Portal will be updated. The application of timber legality standards and permitting processes will be enhanced, and the Deforestation and Degradation Alerts Monitoring System will be established at all relevant government institutions and agencies. Agro-forestry initiatives will be encouraged in line with the National Reforestation Strategy and the National Agriculture Development Plan and agro-forestry activities will be implemented at the community level throughout PNG. Monitoring and reporting on regeneration by conducting forest and land use change assessment prior to 2000 will be enhanced to enable more realistic calculations of the biomass gain of the forest degrade before 2020 and to determine long term historical forest and land use change trend. The National Forest Inventory will be completed to improve the country specific emission factor and to enable space borne forest carbon estimation and monitoring. Forest concession monitoring will be improved to allow more accurate emission estimation from the logging operation and to contribute timber legality verification system. Blue carbon ecosystems will be included in the GHG inventory and UNFCCC reporting. A National Renewable Energy Policy will be developed, and the legal and regulatory frameworks will be strengthened to enable the regulation of energy efficient appliances. The share of installed capacity of renewable energy will be increased in electricity generation. Renewable energy projects will be developed and implemented in the regions, and existing renewable energy projects in PNG for on-grid connections will be mapped out. The development of green transport will be enabled in PNG through the E-mobility Policy.
Sustainable agricultural practices for smallholder farmers will be applied in the Southern Region. Farmers' and agricultural small and medium enterprises' capacities will be enhanced to implement climate resilient agriculture practices. Commercial and diversification planning will be promoted in the agriculture businesses. Farmers, especially women farmers, will be encouraged to conduct agriculture business. Health measures will be introduced to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. The transport infrastructure and assets will be built and rehabilitated according to climate resilient codes and standards, and multi-hazard early warning information will be improved to respond to climate extremes.
The Climate Change and Development Authority as the mandated authority responsible for coordination of climate change initiatives of the Government, and acting as the focal point to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, will collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure fulfillment of the implementation plan.
Papua New Guinea s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution 2020.
Papua New Guinea
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