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The 2016-2021 North Sea Policy Document outlines the current use and developments in the North Sea and the relationship with the marine ecosystem, as well as the vision, tasking and policy. The North Sea Policy Document, including the appendix Marine Strategy Part 3 (programme of measures), forms an integral part of the National Water Plan (NWP). The crux of the new policy for the North Sea is: together with civil-society organizations, steering towards desired use in terms of space and time, ecology and economy, and continuing to develop the natural potential of the sea and coast. The Government aims for a development-based approach to the sea. The Policy refers to five topics that are instrumental in developments on the North Sea in the run-up to 2050: 1) Building with nature in the North Sea; 2) Energy transition at sea; 3) Multiple use of space; 4) Connection between land and sea; 5) Accessibility and shipping.
Section 3 of the policy regards safe and sustainable economic development. The North Sea 2050 Spatial Agenda is focused on bringing about safe and sustainable economic development of the North Sea, whilst conserving and restoring the integrity of the marine ecosystem. This section describes how designated uses (economic or otherwise) develop within the frameworks of the marine ecosystem. For each designated use an indication is given of the existing situation, the developments under way, the vision and the tasks, as well as the resultant policy. A closing section describes the interactions between designated uses at sea and on land. The objective of sustainable development in the North Sea is that in the future it will be a clean, healthy and productive sea. The ecosystem will function optimally and will be resilient, the water will be clean and use of the North Sea will be sustainable. This will ensure that the North Sea provides opportunities both for nature and the environment and for economic activities. Priority shall be given to activities of national interest, such as oil and gas extraction, shipping, sand extraction, CO2 storage and generating renewable energy.
With respect to fishing and aquaculture, the vision is that transition to sustainable forms of fishing and fish farming will be continued. This is in line with EU Common Fisheries Policy, whose main objective is to maintain fish stocks so as to enable sustainable fishing practices.
The marine strategy integrates preconditions and ambitions in terms of nature, the environment and sustainable economic development, and where necessary supplements these so as to achieve or maintain the good environmental status. The measures outlined in this document specifically concern biodiversity, exotic species, fish, food webs, eutrophication, seabed integrity, hydrographic properties, pollutants, pollutants in fish, litter and energy supply.
Section 5 concerns the Assessment Framework, which applies to activities in the North Sea for which a permit is required under the laws and regulations applicable to the North Sea in territorial waters and the EEZ insofar as this pertains to aspects affecting the North Sea s water system. It comprises five steps: 1) Defining spatial claim and applying precautionary principle; 2) Choosing location and assessing requisite space/time; 3) Utility and necessity; 4) Mitigation; 5) Compensation for effects.
Policy Document on the North Sea 2016-2021.
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