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Concept of environmental protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 is a nationwide cross-sectoral policy document. The Concept envisages measures for: (a) preservation and quality assurance of environmental objects (atmospheric air, water, land, soil, subsoil, biodiversity, protected natural areas) from anthropogenic impact and other negative impact; (b) priority use of materials, products, production sites and other facilities that pose the least environmental hazard; (c) expansion of protected natural areas; (d) ensuring the environmentally sound use of toxic chemical and radioactive substances; (e) improving the environmentally safe waste management; and (f) formation of the ecological culture of the population, increasing the level of transparency of the activities of state bodies in the field of protection of the environment and strengthening the role of civil society.
The main goals of the Concept shall be as follows: (a) ensuring a favorable state of the environment as the necessary condition for improving the living standards and health of the population Republic of Uzbekistan; (b) sustainable economic development through the introduction of innovative technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment and public health; and (c) ensuring the rational use of environmental objects and reproduction of biological resources.
The objectives of the Concept shall be as follows: (a) preservation and protection of environmental objects (land, water, atmospheric air, bowels, flora and fauna); (b) expansion of protected natural areas; (c) rendering greener the national economy, introduction of economic mechanisms of nature management, priority use of ecofriendly products, methods and processes; (d) improvement of state control in the field of protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources, as well as systems of environmental monitoring; (e) scientific support of environmental protection; (f) improving the system of waste management with a view of ensuring environmental security and safe management of toxic, chemical and radioactive substances; raising ecological culture of the population, the level of transparency of the activities of state bodies in the field of environmental protection and strengthening the role of civil society; (g) shaping a society that ensures sustainable development with minimal impact on the environment; and (h) expansion of international cooperation in the environmental sphere.
The measures to be implemented by the Concept include: (a) constitution of transboundary protected areas; (b) reduction of risks of impact of chemical, biological and radioactive materials; (c) management of transboundary river basins and creation of a unified integrated system for monitoring of transboundary surface watercourses in Central Asia; (d) introduction of complex land-use planning and land use management; (e) increase of the area of protection forest plantations on the Uzbek side of the dried up part the bottom of the Aral Sea; and (f) development and implementation of rehabilitation and reclamation program for disturbed land.
Expected results: (a) bringing the area of forest plantations on the Uzbek part of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea up to 60% of its territory; (b) reduction of water losses in agriculture by 10%; (c) reduction of water consumption in agriculture (per specific hectare) by 15%; (d) increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment up to 80%; (e) reduction of emissions of pollutants into the air by 10%; (f) transfer of 80% of public transport to gas fuel and electric traction; (g) increase in the territory of the forest fund covered with forests to 4.5 million hectares; (h) increase in the area of protected natural areas of IV categories to 12%; (i) increase in the release of ruffed bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) grown in nurseries, listed in the Red Book, up to 4,000 species per year; (j) bringing the coverage of the population with services for the collection and removal of solid household waste up to 100%; (k) increase in the volume of processing of generated solid household waste up to 65%; and (l) increase the volume of recycling of solid domestic waste (mercury-containing waste, car tires, batteries, waste oils, packaging waste and others) up to 30%.
Presidential Decree No. UP-5863 validating the Concept of environmental protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030.
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