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The Concept for the development of production of organic agricultural and organic food products in the Republic of Uzbekistan is a nationwide multi-sectoral policy document. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be the authorized state body for coordination and regulation of activities of all interested organizations within the framework of organic production and good agricultural practice. Currently, the Republic of Uzbekistan has the following conditions favorable for development of organic agriculture, in particular: (a) sown areas not contaminated with toxic substances; (b) the possibility of increasing the income of the population through the export of organic products grown in household plots; (c) opportunities to increase employment of the population through the development of systems of agrocluster, logistics and cooperation in organic production; (d) the possibility of analyzing the quality of agricultural products due to improvement of laboratories, control and certification systems; and (e) regions free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Concept for the development of production of organic agricultural and organic food products in the Republic of Uzbekistan has the following objectives: (a) official guarantee and increase in the production of organic products, facilitating the entry of manufacturers into foreign markets and expanding export geography; (b) improvement of investment attractiveness of agricultural production, implementation of new investment projects and increasing employment of the rural population; (c) strengthening the possibility of healthy nutrition, improving quality and safety of agricultural and food products, a decrease in negative environmental impacts; (d) increasing fertility and preventing soil degradation, preserving biological diversity, ecological stability of the ecosystem, certification and strengthening of control systems according to the technological scheme "daladan dasturkhongach"; and (e) expanding research and development activities and accelerating training of qualified specialists.
The Concept includes the following main areas: (a) development of normative legal acts in the field of technical regulation, in particular, on safety of organic and organomineral fertilizers, infant food, food for special dietary uses and preventive nutrition; (b) formation of certification, authorization and accreditation system; (c) training of personnel for the production of organic products and raw materials and improving their qualification; (d) development of the domestic market and expansion of the export geography for domestic producers; (e) expansion of scientific research in the production of organic products and raw materials; (f) accounting and reporting of organic production; and (g) integration of organic production systems with international systems.
Presidential Decree No. UP-5995 validating the Concept for the development of production of organic agricultural and organic food products in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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