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The President, in order to radically modernize seed production of agricultural crops, expanding the production of quality and competitive seed material, chain formation of value-added in seed production, digitalization of the sphere, mutual integration of science, education and production, development of cooperation relations, as well as widespread introduction of innovative technologies, decrees to assign to the Seed Development Center under the Ministry the following additional tasks: (a) placement by types and varieties of cereals, oilseeds, legumes and fodder crops, cotton, vegetables, gourds with the consideration of soil and climatic conditions of the regions specialized in the production of seeds; (b) creation of a Unified Electronic System for agricultural entities in regions specialized in seed production containing data on the name of the subject, type, variety and reproductive seeds, the type and amount of mineral fertilizers issued for seed growing areas, name and the rate of used chemicals, the conclusion of the approbation commissions on varieties, grown crops; (c) performance of monitoring of the activities of seed producing entities during the growing season related to cotton and grain spiked areas - at least three times, on other seed production areas - at least twice, in the processes of storage and processing of seeds - constantly, providing with close practical assistance and coordination activities; (d) preparation jointly with research institutes recommendations, manuals, normative documents on sowing, care and harvesting, based on the types and varieties of crops, and supply them to the subjects of seed production; and (e) harvesting and packaging of cotton seeds, vegetables, gourds, cereals, oilseeds, legumes and fodder crops grown by the subjects of seed production in accordance with international standards, as well as the organization of implementation on the internal and external market based on the national brand "Uzbek seeds".
Presidential Decree No. PP-106 On additional measures for the further development of seed production of agricultural crops.
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