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The President decrees to set up, within the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, Inspectorate for control in the field of ecology and environmental protection; National Association of Specialized Enterprises of sanitary cleaning; and Center for environmental information, implementation of information and communication technologies and multimedia in the form of a state unitary enterprise. Inspectorate shall perform the following tasks: (a) implementation of state environmental control over compliance with legislation in the field of use and protection of land, subsoil, waters, forests, protected natural areas, wild fauna and flora, atmospheric air; (b) creation of the necessary conditions for the existence, conservation of biodiversity of flora and fauna species, integrity natural communities and their habitats; (c) implementation of state control over compliance with the legislation in the field of waste management, effective organization of an efficient system for the collection, transportation, disposal, recycling and disposal of household waste in close cooperation with the local government; and (d) assistance to citizens, self-government bodies of citizens, non-governmental non-profit organizations and mass media information in the implementation of public environmental control. Association of Specialized Enterprises of sanitary cleaning shall perform the following tasks: (a) coordination of financial and economic activities of state unitary enterprises specialized in the provision of services in the field of handling of household waste included in the system of the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection; (b) coordination of organizational and technical measures for the implementation of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, as well as construction, modernization and reconstruction of sanitary cleaning infrastructure facilities; (c) conducting systematic monitoring and analysis of the status of the provision of services for collection and removal of household waste; (d) organization of work on the implementation and development of information and communication technologies, including the widespread use of electronic payment systems; (e) introduction of priority areas for stimulating involvement of secondary resources into economic circulation, as well as advanced technologies for sorting and processing of household waste; and (f) interaction with international and national bodies in implementation of investment projects. Center for environmental information, implementation of information and communication technologies and multimedia shall perform the following tasks: (a) creation, development and maintenance of automated information systems, resources and databases in the field of environmental protection; (b) assistance in the creation and automated keeping of state register in the field of ecology and environmental protection; and (c) introduction of information and communication technologies into the process of monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of environment.
Presidential Decree No. PP-3956 On additional measures for improvement of the system of state management in the field of ecology and environmental protection .
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