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Concept of development of the forestry system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 is multi-sectoral nationwide policy document, which defines strategic goals of forest protection, conservation and development of forestry in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the priority directions of state policy in this field, the implementation of which will allow to create ecologically favorable conditions and to ensure food security for the future generations.
The main objectives of the Concept shall be as follows: (a) the introduction of rules and procedures for leasing and public-private partnership, based on the principles of market economy, to ensure protection, conservation, afforestation, reforestation and rational forest management; (b) combating desertification, creation of forests in order to prevent desertification in the Aral Sea region; (c) establishment of environmentally friendly, wasteless production through extensive attraction of foreign investments in the forestry sector; (d) implementation of innovative technologies in forestry operations; (e) gradual transition to self-sufficiency through the introduction of market economy mechanism in the organization and management of forest enterprises; and (f) increasing the tourist potential of forests.
To achieve the main objectives, it is necessary to identify the following priority areas: (a) development of state forest policy and improvement of forest legislation; (b) rational improvement of environment; (c) use of protective resources of the forest fund for combating desertification and organization of efficient management of the forest fund and protected areas, carrying out works on planting and protection of forests; (d) rational and careful use of forests, acceleration of planting of protective forest plantations; (e) leasing of forest lands, wide application of public-private partnership rules and procedures for efficient and rational use of forests; (f) optimization of financial mechanisms for sustainable forest management, strengthening the material and technical base of forest enterprises; (g) acceleration of the work on attracting investments of domestic and international financial institutions, including grants, as well as promotion of ecological tourism on a wide scale; (h) implementation of necessary measures for the study, accounting, planting, afforestation and conservation of the forest fund, its flora and fauna; (i) protection of forests against fires, pests, diseases, illegal logging and other violations of the forestry legislation; (j) expansion and development of associated economic activities in the forest sector; (k) organization of work for seedlings growing, collection of medicinal plants in forests, production and processing of products of cattle breeding, fish breeding and beekeeping; and (l) training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in forestry sector.
The following approaches shall be used in the implementation of the Concept: (a) systematization and improvement of the legal and regulatory framework - implementation of international standards, codification of forestry legislation, calculation of forest economic potential, introduction of assessment mechanisms for lease of forests; (b) rational use of the part of the forest-covered land, assessment of efficiency of silvicultural operations, forest restoration, fighting against deforestation and forest degradation and combating desertification; (c) lease of forest fund land, ensuring transparency of the rules and procedures of the public-private partnership for effective and rational use thereof; (d) improvement of forest monitoring system, creation of forest information resources fund; (e) planting of forests on the basis of soil and climatic conditions of the national territory, all-round expansion of the forest fund, introduction of innovative technologies in the implementation of forestry protection measures; (f) organization of ecotourist routes and necessary facilities infrastructure for the development of ecotourism; (g) widespread introduction of the results of scientific raising of plants resistant to salinization and drought; and (h) participation in activities of the international community to develop forestry and desertification control.
Presidential Decree No. PP-4850 validating the Concept of development of the forestry system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030.
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