The President, in order to further develop the fishing industry, increase species of fish products, increase export potential of fishing sector, render more efficient use of existing fishfarming pools based on intensive technologies, as well as strengthening the feed base of fishfarms, decrees to approve the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local government and the Association "Uzbekbaliksanoat" on the introduction in each province of experience of the fish farming cluster established in Sharaf-Rashidov district of Jizzakh region with households on the basis of cooperation. At the same time, to establish that fishfarming in households on the basis of cooperation shall be carried out in the following order: (a) fishfarms organize training for owners of household facilities for fish farming skills and supply them with equipment, fish fry, compound feed and mineral fertilizers required for fishfarming as well as purchase from owners of household facilities grown fish at an agreed price; and (b) owners of household facilities supply fish, grown thereby with intensive methods and with the use of fish fry provided by fishfarms, selling fish to fishfarms at the agreed price.
Presidential Decree No. PP-83 On additional measures for the further development of the fishing industry.
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