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Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for the period of 2022-2026 is a nationwide policy document adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It expires in 2026. The main goals of the Development Strategy include increasing the income of dekhkans (peasants) and farmers at least twice with the annual growth of agricultural production volumes by at least 5 percent due to the intensive development of agriculture and application of advanced achievements of science. Specialization of districts in the cultivation of certain species. Scaling up government support and implementation of new insurance mechanisms in agriculture. Development of 464 thousand hectares of new and removed from cultivation land areas by allocating land to agricultural clusters on the basis of an open competition. Reduction of 200 thousand hectares of land areas from under cotton and grain with their allocation on the basis of open competition to the population on a long-term lease. Cultivation of export-oriented products and development of horticulture, an increase in the area of intensive orchards by three times and greenhouses - twice, increase in export potential additionally for 1 billion US dollars. Increasing soil fertility and protecting it from degradation. Improving the system of providing agricultural services based on the cutting edge of science and innovation. Provision of agro-industrial enterprises with raw materials and increase in production volumes by 1.5 times. Development of agrologistic centers and increase in the number of modern laboratories. Implementation of the national program for seed production and cultivation of seedlings. Creation together with leading international scientific centers and higher educational institutions of the International agricultural university. Deepening the integration of science and practices in the agricultural sector. Creation of conditions for effective use by the population personal land plots.
In the field of water management it is envisaged implementation of the state program on drastic reform of water management system and water saving by saving at least 7 billion cubic meters of water at the expense of efficient use of water resources, reducing electricity consumption at waterworks and performance of water management system on the basis of public-private partnership.
In the field of livestock breeding, it is envisaged expansion of the fodder base of animal husbandry with an increase in production volumes by 1.5 2 times and improvement of the fodder base of animal husbandry.
In the field of nutrition it is envisaged gradual provision of free meals to students of primary classes in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region, implementation of a system for providing free meals to students of elementary grades (grades 1-4) as an experiment in the Republic Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region, based on the results of the experiment, consideration of the issue of expanding the system of providing free meals to primary school students (grades 1 4).
In the field of forest management it is envisaged expansion of forest areas in the regions and effective use of forest fund lands, creation of mountainous and foothill areas of forest fund plantations, plant cultivation in desert areas, creation of protection forests in the regions and protective forest plantations to protect irrigated land from erosion and land reclamation objects - from sand migration, regulation of the use of forests on the land of the state forest fund, expansion of the forest fund.
Presidential Decree validating Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for the period of 2022-2026.
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