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The Procedures for Data and Information Exchange and Sharing (PDIES) provide a framework for the Mekong countries to share regional data for better water resources management. The PDIES sets out three objectives to operationalize the data and information exchange among the 4 member countries, make available basic data and information for public access as determined by the NMCs concerned, and promote understanding and cooperation among MRC member countries, according to specific principles of efficient, equitable, reciprocal, cost effective, relevant, timely and accurate, amongst others. Most importantly, the PDIES identifies the 12 major groups/types of data and information to be gathered and shared with the MRC-IS. In order to provide data and information services to the MRC, its member countries, and projects and programmes, the MRC-Information System (hereinafter referred to as the MRC-IS) is being established. The MRC-IS is a structured communication and management system for data and information. Its ultimate goal is to support the activities (planning, development, decision making, and monitoring) in the framework of the Mekong Agreement.
Procedures for Data and Information Exchange and Sharing
Viet Nam
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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