This law is aimed at improving the physical stability and ecological balance of the forest and mountain territory, as well as at conserving and improving the biodiversity, habitats and species, through a balanced enhancement of the multifunctionality of ecosystems, pursue an adequate possible level of stability of hydrographic basins, watercourses and human safety, quality of the environment and of life and socio-economic development of the mountain. These objectives are achieved through the following initiatives: a) maintenance and improvement of the protective function, through the hydrogeological defense of the territory and the protection of the forest; b) management of watercourses; c) the recognition, improvement and enhancement of the environmental function, connected to the conservation of biodiversity, habitats and species, of the hygienic-sanitary function, linked to the quality of the air and water, and of the cultural one, linked to the maintenance of the mountain landscape; d) support for the production function, aimed at developing the forest-wood chain and the other products and services ensured by the forest; e) the enhancement of the cultural and tourist-recreational function, linked to the use of forest and mountain ecosystems by man; f) the implementation of interventions which ensure, alongside the aims of valorization, safety and environmental protection, also an adequate and balanced consideration of the needs of economic, social, tourist and recreational development expressed by the local communities.
Title II contains provisions that set planning, monitoring and programming mechanisms, these are: forestry guidelines, monitoring and data collection systems, Forestry and mountain Plan (piano forestale e montano - PFM), system of coordination with land-use planning, etc. Title III aims at ensuring conservation and improvement of the stability of watersheds, watercourses and forest ecosystems through the establishment of superficial water management principles, prohibitions that reduce the risk of forest fires, pest invasion control and other phytosanitary measures. Art. 13 regulates the hydrological conservation zone. The Title contains provisions on land conversion. Title IV provides for payment for ecosystem services, contains the discipline on afforestation and measures that specifically protect flora and fauna, genetic resources and reproductive material. Title V identifies, regulates and provides for the management of protected areas, national parks and sets regulations on the creation of a Natura2000 forest plan which purpose is to maintain conservation status of forest habitats, and to ensure international natural conservation areas. Art. 49 regulates natural farm parks. Title VI contains provisions aimed at promoting recreational use of forest, forestry development mechanisms (wood-energy systems), etc. Title VII regulates public forest and Title VIII public water system.
Title II contains provisions that set planning, monitoring and programming mechanisms, these are: forestry guidelines, monitoring and data collection systems, Forestry and mountain Plan (piano forestale e montano - PFM), system of coordination with land-use planning, etc. Title III aims at ensuring conservation and improvement of the stability of watersheds, watercourses and forest ecosystems through the establishment of superficial water management principles, prohibitions that reduce the risk of forest fires, pest invasion control and other phytosanitary measures. Art. 13 regulates the hydrological conservation zone. The Title contains provisions on land conversion. Title IV provides for payment for ecosystem services, contains the discipline on afforestation and measures that specifically protect flora and fauna, genetic resources and reproductive material. Title V identifies, regulates and provides for the management of protected areas, national parks and sets regulations on the creation of a Natura2000 forest plan which purpose is to maintain conservation status of forest habitats, and to ensure international natural conservation areas. Art. 49 regulates natural farm parks. Title VI contains provisions aimed at promoting recreational use of forest, forestry development mechanisms (wood-energy systems), etc. Title VII regulates public forest and Title VIII public water system.
Including amendments up to Provincial Law 23 January 2023, No. 1.
Provincial Law 23 May 2007 No. 11 on forestry and nature protection.
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